Imagine your morning drive to work and you pass a billboard advertising a new credit card from a local bank. During lunch, you hear a radio ad for that same new credit card. The next day, you find an envelope in your mailbox offering that same credit card.

You just experienced a media mix. It’s the combination of communication channels a business can use to meet its marketing objectives. Typically, mixed media channels include newspaper, radio, billboards, websites, emails and direct mail, to name a few. A good media mix allows you to communicate in the most effective way with customers and prospects who are at different stages of the purchase decision.

And, the media mix can change at different stages. When a prospect is looking for general information, they may search the web, publications or check product review sites, for example. You need to have information in the places that your potential customer is looking. Once interest in your product has been expressed, a direct mailing with a strong call to action can seal the deal. Whichever mix you decide on, remember that all your channels should be integrated with the same objective in mind. All media should convey the same message so potential customers receive consistent experiences, and each media format reinforces the other.

So, how do you know which media mix to use? Well, you need to know your customer. Geography, age, gender and income level are just a few demographics you can use to identify your customer. You’ll benefit by creating a media mix based on that knowledge––creating the most impact and breaking through the clutter. Remember to continually research, test and change your media mix to fit your target audience.

At Creative Solutions International, we help clients develop the right media mix. Give us a call at 302.543.8533 or email us for a free consultation.